Disaster Prevention Programs

Disaster Resistant Canned Food Program
Disaster Resistant Canned Food Creative Cooking Program

A local industry born from disaster prevention!
Learn the importance of food by bringing back the everyday life from the extraordinary.

Introduction of Kuroshio Town’s approach to “rolling stock” of “disaster resistant canned food that you want to eat everyday = every day food” which can be consumed on a daily basis without it being expired, learn the history of how it was produced until it is sold at major general merchandise stores and other stores, and how people with allergies can consume in times of disaster. Learn about the importance of preparation for disasters in daily lives through tasting dishes made with disaster resistance canned foods and explore the opportunity to regain daily lives through cooking in an event of an emergency.

  • Duration2 to 3 hours
    ※ 1 hour of lecture, 1 hour for meal
    For workshop format, additional 1 hour for cooking
  • Fee3,500 yen per person
  • Capacity3~50 people
  • VenueNest West Garden Tosa, Kuroshio-no-Ie, a Rental House, etc.

Program Flow

  • Classroom LectureIntroduction and explanation of the Great East Japan Earthquake, how Kuroshio-Cho Cannery was established after the prediction of Japan’s largest tsunami of 34 meters in height was announced by the government in 2012, and the commitment to disaster resistant canned food.
  • Disaster Resistant Canned Food Creative CookingTaste dishes made with disaster resistant canned food that does not contain any of the seven (7) major allergens. Participants may choose between Japanese and Western style meals at Nest West Garden Tosa and participants will cook dishes using disaster resistant canned foods at the Kuroshio-no-Ie, an inn that rents out the whole house.

Program Video

Disaster Prevention Program List